Notary Services

  • Mobile Notary Services

    Servicing the Central Valley including Fresno, Madera, Tulare and Kings Counties

    Willing to travel to other counties under certain circumstances.

    Mobile/Travel Fee plus $15 per notarized signature.

    Fee quotes will be provided prior to confirming appointment.

    Notary Services are available in California only.

  • Contact

    Please text (818) 731-6726 with the following information:

    1. Name of Signer

    2. Location

    3. Type of Document(s) to be Notarized

    4. Number of Signatures to be Notarized

    5. Preferred Date/Time of Notarization

      I will respond as soon as possible.

    No request is guaranteed until you receive a written confirmation accepting the job.

  • Types of Documents Notarized


    Durable POA's

    Bank Forms

    Medical Directives

    Grant Deeds


    And More